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Military How/Whys |
General Mil |
AF Specific |
Decoration Info |
Fitness Info |
Promotion Info |
Uniform Info |
Flag Folding History | Wrote by the HQ AF Space Command Historian |
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier | Direct link the Arlington National Cemetery Website. |
2011 Enlisted Pay Charts | 2011 Officer/Warrant Pay Charts |
2010 Enlisted Pay Chart | |
2006 Pay Comparison - With Dependants | 2006 Pay Comparison - Without Dependants |
10 Tips on Volunteering Wisely | |
2002 Military vs Civilian Pay Comparison | Great Excel Spread sheet to determine the cost effectiveness of becoming Civilian |
800 Access via DSN | Good info. Took me a long time to figure it out the first time. |
Baggage Changes For Commercial Travel | Information regarding changes to the number of bags for commercial travel |
Benefits for Military Members Based on Type of Discharge | Break down of all the discharge classifications and what benefits are lost/kept |
"Chronic Candy" | Protect yourself and understand that something's are just not allowed in the Military. |
DECA - Is This Stuff Still Good? | Good information explaining "Sell By" and "Best By" dates found on a number of items in the commissary |
Dual Citizenship Issues | ROK dual citizenship conscription information. |
Expanded Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) | HAP has extend the initial implementation period for the Permanent Change of Station (PCS) category of the HAP to 30 September 2010. |
GI Bill Family Transfer Rules | Defense and service officials have settled on final rules that will allow career service members to share Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefits with their immediate families beginning Aug. 1, 2009. |
How to Win Friends and Influence People | Information taken from Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. I have learned a number of the principles the hard way and would have loved to find this book when I started my career. |
MPS; Sending charitable donations info | Information regarding sending charitable donations via MPS |
Panting Your Canvas | Your image and influence ability |
Pareto's Principle | The 80/20 rule discussing the Trivial Many vs the Vital Few! |
Paternity Leave for Service Members | The long awaited guidance for paternity leave. |
Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) | Info regarding the SCRA & how it applies to you. |
Space Available (Spacea) Travel | Passenger Operations, Lodging and Other Space-A Travel Related Information |
8 stress relievers tested in the most stressful workplace on earth: Iraq. The soldiers of Delta Troop tell you what really calms the nerves. |
3 Level Rules - New Amn | A great tool to provide new airmen a list of "rules". |
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Excellent article wrote by LtCol Mike Cannon. Name says it all. |
50 Questions Every Airman Can Answer | Good document answering 50 questions Airman have either thought of or sought out. (1.1M PDF) |
50 More Questions Every Airman Can Answer | Post 9-11 Questions and Answer Guide. VERY, very good
document. Wrote by: Major “Fritz” , USAF (81K PDF) |
2006 Guard / Reserve Fact Sheets | An excellent resource for anyone in the Guard or Reserves, or thinking about joining |
2010 Air Force Posture Statement | Name says it all |
Air Force 101 - A Spouses Guide | Good document for new Air Force Spouses created at Hill AFB (1.7M PDF) |
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2010 Edition of FAQ sheet. Required during all Performance Feedbacks! |
Airman Must Know Dates | Important dates all Airman must know. |
AFSC Enlisted Codes | Listing all Enlisted Air Force Specialty Codes - PDF File - AFMAN 36-2108 (5.5M) |
AFSC Officer Codes | Listing all Officer Air Force Specialty Codes - PDF File - AFMAN 36-2105 (3.8M) |
Associate-to-Baccalaureate Cooperative | new program developed by AU allowing Airmen to turn a CCAF degree into a bachelor degree |
Below The Zone (BTZ) Schedule | Process, Selection and Promotion months. |
Clarification Of Fitness Reporting On Officer And Enlisted Evaluations |
Updated guidance for the 08 Calendar Year. Official Message. |
CMSAF Perspective on Sr. Rater Endorsement and Stratification |
The title says it all. A MUST read for SNCOs or SNCOs' reporting officials. Released 28 Aug 2006 |
Course 14 Eligibility
Change![]() |
TSgts with 2 yrs TIG and NCOA completion can now enroll. |
Creed; Airman's | The new Airman's Creed was released by CSAF Mosely in April 2007. It is to replace all of the other Air Force Creeds |
Official release concerning TDY time as a discriminator for E8/E9 promotion. Plus an additional comment concerning it | |
Deviation Of Rater's Rater On TSgt And Below EPR's | Rating chain deviation for the rater's rater on TSgt and below EPRS |
Step by Step guide on retrieving your DVR, with a special focus for SNCOs. | |
new information regulating the prevention of fancy signature blocks, quotations, backgrounds or clip art in e-mails | |
Enlisted Stratification Clarification | The long awaited clarification for enlisted EPRs |
Ground Training in BMT | What the SECAF commented on the first day on the job. Now it will become a reality for FY08 |
Guidance on Fitness Assessment and EPRs and OPRs | Additional Guidance from Nov 05. Talks about the grey line... |
Incentive Pay; Non-Aviator | Information for Non-Aviator (Flight) Pay - HDIP |
Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (SEJPME) EPR comments |
Guidance allowing the Completion of Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (SEJPME) in EPRs |
LOC/LOR procedures; updated | The initiator is now required to formally advise the member of the initiator’s final decision as to whether or not to issue the counseling. |
Moving Off-Base; Are you prepared | In my opinion this is for supervisors to give to their Airmen. It has been borrowed from a Family Support Center. |
Operation BLUE to GREEN | Info on Transferring to the Army |
Overdrive: Air Force Audio Book Service | AF library site allowing members to download audio books to your computer or MP3 player for free. |
Pareto's Principle | The 80/20 rule discussing the Trivial Many vs the Vital Few! |
Official Guidance from HQ AF. It is hard to read, but basically, don't waste space talking about general PME enrollments and completion. | |
Good info about a new Certification Program | |
Official Message stopping SNCO board members from commenting on the process and what worked and did not work. | |
Smart Card | General member information card |
SURF; How to Read | Good document to use in deciphering a SURF. |
Record Up Keep | Article from Air Force Link with information on how/why to keep your records up to date. |
Retention & Marketplace Eval Guide - SSgt | |
United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) Leaders Encouraging Airman Development (LEAD) Program | Good information regarding the LEAD commissioning program. It is a worthy program and well worth your time to investigate it. |
What to do when you meet a board | Good information in preparing to meet a board. |
Strong words of wisdom from the former CJCS. Originally titled "Gen (Ret.) Collin Powell's 18 Lessons in Leadership" |
18th Wing CC: Airmen should learn from Air Force shake-up (Stars & Stripes Pacific edition,June 24, 2008) | This is a great article wrote by the 18th CC. It breaks down what happen with the CSAF and SecAF and how it ought to effect "Airmen" across the AF. I |
Airman's Handbook | |
A Guide for the Air Force Officer and DoD Civilian Enlisted Leaders | Simple guide reviewing enlisted promotions, performance reports, educational opportunities, and training requirements. Great Guide for Government Civilians who supervise enlisted personal. (HTML Format) |
Airman's Handbook | |
Executive Officer Guide | A good guide for an officers exec, or anyone working directly for an Executive Officer. |
Janitor's 10 Lessons in Leadership | Very good lessons learned from a Medal of Honor winner |
Pareto's Principle | The 80/20 rule discussing the Trivial Many vs the Vital Few! Where do you and those around you fall? |
SO, NO ONE'S SAT DOWN WITH YOU TO TALK ABOUT YOUR AIR FORCE CAREER? - A Mentoring Guide | One of the best Air Force Mentoring guides I have seen. The Chief tells you the way it is, and to you can choose to be successful. |
Supervisor Career Counseling Guide | Title says it all (141K Doc) |
Taking Care of Your People: A Supervisor's Guide | Great Read for any supervisor. Especially sound for new sups. The doc consolidates much of the information you’re responsible for providing your troops into one easy-to-read document. |
Air and Space Campaign Medal Info | Information about the ASCM. If you have been supporting an operations check this out. You may be entitled to it. |
Air Force Good Conduct Medal Reinstated | Official letter re-instating the AFGM |
Wear of "V" DEVICE on the Air Medal (AM) | Any AF Member (AD, GUARD, RESERVE), who was awarded the AM for Heroism on or after 21 OCT 2004 is authorized to wear the "V" DEVICE on the AM ribbon and medal. |
Fitness & Enlisted Professional Military
Education (EPME) Attendance![]() |
Effective 1 Jan 2011, enlisted Airmen that arrive at EPME schools without meeting the fitness (or other) attendance requirements will be returned to their unit. |
PT Testing Info | (2010) Update regarding the 90 day rule |
New Rules as of Nov 05, Common Sense Has Won! |
Supplemental Promotion | How to find supplemental promotion results. |
2006 Uniform Changes - Keep History Alive | My opinions and the original article addressing upcoming uniforms changes. |
95TH AIR FORCE UNIFORM BOARD (AFUB) RESULTS | The all Ribbons Guidelines... |
96TH AIR FORCE UNIFORM BOARD (AFUB) RESULTS | This is a must read. It had lots of information not in the AFI that is applicable. |
96th Air Force Uniform Board -- Follow-up Starting 1 Jan 2011 |
Informal Uniform Standardization Policy |
97TH AIR FORCE UNIFORM BOARD (AFUB) RESULTS | Name Says it all... Find out about Scrunches, cell phones and AFGCM being discontinued |
98TH AIR FORCE UNIFORM BOARD (AFUB) RESULTS | Name Says it all... Find out about blousing of the boots, org hats, cell phone usage & no princess cut men's blues shirt... |
ABU Uniform Issue at Overseas
Contingency Operation (OCO) Locations![]() |
Official Message. BLUF: All deploying Airmen with a RDD of 1 October 2011, or later are now responsible for providing their own ABUs |
ABU Wear on Commercial Travel | Broad policy regarding ABU wear while traveling... This is only a general guidance |
Timely fleece wear policy as of 5 Oct 09. | |
Green Boots with BDU | Information regarding the wear of the new ABU boots with your BDUs. |
Flight Uniform: ABU Wear of Outer Garments | Good information. Be sure to look at who this covers. AFCENT is NOT one of the places. |
Flight Uniform: Sleeve Guidance | Good information if you wear or are around people in flight suites. Again, be sure to know where this is in policy. |
Mess Dress Wear Guidance | Mess Dress Policy From Air Staff |
New Rules as of Nov 05, Common Sense Has Won! |
Uniform update - US Insignia (Circle) | Information regarding the wear of the new US Insignia |
Mandatory Wear of AFRC Patch | Guidance from the Director of Manpower and Personnel of AFRC |
Uniform Wear Policy | CSAF Blues Monday |
Click here to submit your information. | Send me Comments and Suggestions |
Page last modified on: 30 April 2011
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